In our company we pay attention to the road safety promotion and one of the major mechanism for that is preparation of Road safety studies. During preparation of studies we use systematical approach which gives systematical solutions, considering measures which contribute to promotion of the current situation.
The problem is explained in the introductive part, respectively the subject which will be exposed in the study, goals of preparing study, space and time of study. In parallel with this observing the best national and worldwide experiences and practices is being done, also legal regulations from aforementioned area. The next step is data collection from public available sources, as well as data from a competent authority. Next to this, the researching includes field researches at a study’s place, which include recording parameters, significant indicators for observing road safety in that area. The researches are undertaken according to defined methodology, and also people that work at the fieldwork have a training. After that we access the expert analysis of the collected materials, on which works group of professional engineers with experience in researching area and an estimation of the current state is given. Measures for promotion of the current state are proposed according to the both analysis and the estimation of the current state. Based on analysis and based on estimation, appropriate measures of a short-term, medium-term and long-term for improving of the current state are proposed.