Product description

Polyurethane paint is two component final coating on the base of polyurethane resin, high-quality pigments, fillers, additives and solvents.
It is used for protection and decoration of mineral concrete floors in the interior design. It is suitable for easy and normal to medium heavy mechanic loads in:

– manufacturing plant
– places of food industry
– warehouses
– mechanical workshops
– cold storages.

The coating has resistance to dilute acids and salts. Also, it has great estetic and mechanical qualities.


– Easy application
– Great flexibility
– Excellent mechanical qualities
– Good covering
– Waterproof
– Stability on temperatures from -20 do + 120°C

Technical data

Appearance: Pigmented mixture
Colour: RAL shade card or related to customer’s demand
Gloss: High gloss or related to customer’s demand
Density (mixture A+B) / 20ºC:
1,20 ± 0,05g/cm³ SRPS EN ISO 2811-1

Nonvolatile matter content:
Min 56 ± 2% (m/m) SRPS EN ISO 3251
Drying (at 20ºC i 50% of relative humidity):
Dry at the dust: 40 min
Dry on touch: 5 h

Completely dry: 24h, and completely phisical-chemical resistance is achieved after 7 days

Drying time depends on the temperature of surface and environment, coating thickness and relative humidity.


Regarding to hardened coating of polyurethane to own optimal characteristics it shall be applied on the concrete surfaces that satisfy these parameters:

– Surface temperature: 15-25ºC
– Firmness of concrete surface: min 25Mpa
– Humidity of concrete surface: max 4%
– Concrete surface must be matured at least 28 days, it should not be skimmed or strewed with cement
– The brand shall be min 30MB
– The surface shall be impregnated
– Relative humidity: 50 %

The surface must be clean, dry, firm, without dust, unbounded parts, grease and other impurity.

The surface shall be cleaned from mechanic impurity with a broom, industrial vacuum-cleaner or compressed air.

Conditions of use

Surface temperature: +13ºC min / +30ºC max
Environmental temperature: +10ºC min / + 35ºC max
Humidity: 75%
Note: possible difference between surface temperature and air temperature is 5ºC.

Mixing tools
To use agitator with propeller with max 300 revolution/minute.

Mixture preparation:
A and B components shall be mixed separately before use, to the full homogeneity. Recommended time for mixing each component is 2-3 minutes.
Mixing ratio: 4:1 (weight ration of the components A and B)

The entire content of a component B (strengthener) shall be added in the component A gradually, by consistant mixing of agitator with propeller. Complet homogeneity is achieved in 2-3 minutes.

If necessary, the mixture shall be diluted with Solvent for TOP PURE up to 5%.

Pot life
4-6h at 20˚C.

Before installation it shall be checked surface humidity, relative humidity and a condensation point and if the conditions are filled, installation can start.

Grinding and impregnation of surface: It is necessary to grind the whole surface by rotation grinder and to vacuum. After that, it shall be put the impregnation and if it is necessary to apply putty to it.

Prepaired mixture of the pur should be applied with the rolller in the 2 coatings on the surface.

Effect of coating can be obtained by strewing of decorative leaflets (chips) on the fresh applied the coating PUR. After 24h, leaflets should be protected with one layer of the PUR lacque.

Drying (at 20ºC i 50% of relative humidity):
Interphase drying interval : min 16/ 20ºC
Dust dry: 40min
Touch dry: 5h
Completely dry: 24h, and completely phisical-chemical resistance of the epo floor is achieved after 7 days.
Drying time depends on the temperature of surface and environment, coating thickness and relative humidity.

For optimal use do not let that product is exposed to direct sun light. The material shall not be installed at the temperatures under +10˚C. Proper surface preparation and appliance provide long life of product.