Marking horizontal and vertical signalization in traffic is done by coating on the basis of acrylic. These coating is a fast-drying , so that existent solvents leave film fast and asphalt surfaces do not become softer.
The coating can be dried quickly, it has a great coverage, an excellent adhesion to surface, it is abrasion resistant and it is resistant to different atmospheric impacts, salts, motor oil and industrial gasses. The surface must be dry, degreased and without detaching materials. It is attenuated with the Signalin solvent 0-5%, dependable on temperature and the way of use. It is applied with special machines for applying, pneumatic pistols and manual with roller.
It dries on the touch in 30 minutes when temperature is 15-25 ºC and humidity is max. 60-80%. Minimum air temperature for conducting works is 10ºC, humidity max. 80%, surface temperature minimum +5ºC.
It is produced in white, yellow and grey colour or according RAL tone card.